February 2025 - Pozhar.UZ

Duties of a fire safety specialist

A fire safety specialist performs a wide range of duties related to fire prevention, organization of fire prevention measures, and monitoring compliance with legal requirements. His work is aimed at reducing the risks of fire, protecting human life and health, as well as the safety of property.

The main task of the specialist is to develop and implement measures that ensure fire protection of the facility. To do this, he analyzes potential sources of ignition, evaluates fire risks and develops measures to minimize them. In addition, the specialist is responsible for maintaining the necessary documentation, develops instructions on fire safety and organizes training for employees in emergency situations.

In addition to organizing work within the company, a fire safety specialist must interact with regulatory authorities. He is responsible for the timely completion of inspections, the elimination of identified violations and the preparation of reports for the supervisory authorities. In case of accidents, he analyzes the causes of the fire, participates in the development of corrective measures and makes changes to the existing fire safety system.

Regular fire safety training is another important responsibility. Employees of the enterprise need to know the rules of conduct in case of fire, evacuation methods and methods of using primary fire extinguishing equipment. The specialist conducts briefings for new employees, as well as organizes scheduled classes for the entire team.

Maintenance and control of fire fighting equipment is an integral part of the job. The specialist monitors the condition of the fire alarm system, automatic extinguishing systems, escape exits and fire extinguishers. He conducts inspections, tests and organizes repairs if necessary.

In addition, the fire safety specialist develops evacuation plans, organizes exercises and evaluates their effectiveness. Its tasks include checking the accessibility of escape routes and the compliance of premises with safety standards.

The specialist’s work also includes an assessment of fire risks at the facility. He performs calculations, analyzes the likelihood of a fire, and develops recommendations for improving safety. It is important to take into account the specific features of each facility, such as the presence of combustible materials, layout features and the technological processes used.

Monitoring the fulfillment of fire safety requirements is also included in the list of duties of a specialist. He monitors compliance with the standards for the storage of flammable substances, the correct placement of fire extinguishers and the timely replacement of protective equipment. Special attention is paid to crowded places where the risk of fire is increased.

In modern conditions, fire safety requirements are constantly being tightened, so a specialist needs to constantly improve their skills, study changes in legislation and introduce new methods of fire protection. He is undergoing training, participating in seminars and following new technologies in the field of fire protection.

Thus, a fire safety specialist performs complex tasks aimed at ensuring the safety of people and property. Its activities cover both preventive measures and actions in emergency situations, as well as maintenance of fire protection systems. Thanks to its operation, possible threats are prevented, the security level of the facility is increased and the risks of fire are minimized.


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Calculation of fire risks

The calculation of fire risks is an important procedure for assessing the likelihood of a fire and its possible consequences. This process helps to determine the safety level of the facility and develop effective measures to reduce the risk of fire. Fire risk assessment is carried out on the basis of current standards and techniques that take into account the characteristics of the building, its functional purpose, materials used, fire protection systems and other factors.

Definition and significance of fire risk calculation

When calculating fire risks, various parameters are taken into account. First of all, sources of potential ignition are analyzed, such as electrical wiring, heating devices, open sources of fire and flammable substances. Fire propagation routes are also being assessed, which makes it possible to predict possible damage areas and the rate of fire development. An important aspect is the study of the effectiveness of fire protection systems, including automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, smoke extraction systems and evacuation exits.

One of the key stages of the calculation is the modeling of fire development. This allows you to visually determine how quickly the fire will spread through the building, which areas will be most at risk, and how long it will take to evacuate people. The modeling process takes into account factors such as the flammability of materials, ventilation flows, temperature, and smoke density. Modern software allows for detailed calculations, which significantly improves the accuracy of forecasts.

Based on the data obtained, recommendations are being developed to reduce fire risks. In some cases, it may be necessary to modernize fire protection systems, strengthen safety measures, replace materials with less combustible ones, or optimize the building layout. An important element is also the training of personnel in the event of a fire, which helps to reduce reaction time and reduce the likelihood of injury.

In addition, the calculation of fire risks can be used to justify the need to install additional protective measures. For example, if the results of the analysis show that the probability of fire is high, additional automatic extinguishing systems or enhanced measures to prevent the spread of fire may be proposed. This analysis also helps to identify weaknesses in existing security systems and take measures to eliminate them.

The regulatory framework plays an important role in the fire risk calculation process. Calculation methods determine the maximum permissible values of fire risks and establish the procedure for their assessment. If the permissible values are exceeded, the owners of the facilities are required to take measures to bring the security system in line with the regulations.

The frequency of calculating fire risks is also important. Different deadlines for updating the analysis are set for different categories of objects, which makes it possible to identify changes affecting fire safety in a timely manner. For example, the reconstruction of a building, a change in the functional purpose of the premises, or a change in the composition of the materials used require a revision of calculations and adjustments to protective measures.

Thus, the calculation of fire risks is a necessary tool for ensuring the fire safety of facilities. It allows you not only to assess the current situation, but also to take measures to minimize threats, increasing the level of protection of people and property. Regular calculations, the use of modern techniques and compliance with regulatory requirements can reduce the likelihood of fire and its devastating consequences.


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Fire safety audit

Fire safety is an essential part of ensuring the safety of any facility, whether it is an industrial enterprise, office, warehouse or residential complex. One of the key tools to ensure an appropriate level of safety is a fire safety audit. It is a process of checking and evaluating the condition of fire protection systems, identifying violations, developing measures to eliminate identified risks and ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements. A fire safety audit is necessary in order to minimize the threat of fire, increase the safety of employees and visitors, and ensure reliable protection of property.

What is a fire safety audit?

A fire safety audit is a comprehensive check of the condition of fire protection systems at a facility, an analysis of all factors that may affect the occurrence or spread of a fire, as well as an assessment of the actions of employees and management in emergency situations. Conducting such an audit allows not only to identify violations and deficiencies, but also to develop a detailed plan to eliminate them in order to prevent possible fires in the future.

There are several key audit objectives:

  1. Assessment of the level of fire protection and safety at the facility.
  2. Identification and elimination of deficiencies in security systems, for example, in equipment, building structures or documentation.
  3. Assessment of risks and recommendations for their reduction.
  4. Certificate of compliance of the facility with the legislative and regulatory requirements for fire safety.
  5. Training employees in the proper response to emergencies, including fire.

Why conduct a fire safety audit?

Regular fire safety audits are not just a legal requirement, but also an important measure to protect people and property. The importance of conducting an audit can be distinguished in several aspects.

  1. Compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements Fire safety is regulated by a variety of laws, standards and regulations, which are constantly being updated and tightened. For example, in Russia these are the Labor Code, various GOST standards, SNiPs, as well as the Federal Law “On Fire Safety”. An audit allows you to make sure that the facility meets all the requirements, and if violations are detected, they can be eliminated in a timely manner.
  2. Ensuring the safety of employees and visitors, the proper functioning of the fire protection system and the availability of well—prepared escape routes are the key to the safety of people at the facility. Regular inspections ensure that the systems are working properly, and that employees and visitors can quickly leave the building in case of an emergency.
  3. Fire prevention and damage minimization Fire protection systems such as alarms, fire extinguishing and smoke extraction systems are designed to prevent the spread of fire and minimize damage in the event of its occurrence. Conducting an audit helps identify weaknesses in these systems, which allows you to eliminate defects before they lead to serious consequences.
  4. Staff education and training It is very important that employees know how to act in the event of a fire, as well as be familiar with evacuation plans and fire prevention measures. The audit allows you to check how effectively fire safety briefings and trainings are conducted.

Stages of the fire safety audit

The fire safety audit process consists of several stages. Let’s look at them in more detail.

  1. Preparation and planning At the first stage, it is necessary to define the goals and objectives of the audit, draw up an audit plan, and select a team of specialists who will conduct the audit. It is important to clearly identify which elements of the facility will be checked and which documents will require attention. For example, at this stage it is worth deciding whether only technical systems will be tested, or whether an emphasis will also be placed on staff training.
  2. Collection of documentation A fire audit begins with an analysis of all necessary documentation. Specialists check whether the facility has up-to-date documents, such as a fire safety project, equipment test reports, inspection logs, evacuation plans, as well as training and briefing protocols. This stage is necessary in order to ensure the correctness and completeness of all documentation, as well as to verify whether it complies with applicable regulations.
  3. Inspection of the facility After examining the documentation, an inspection of the facility itself is carried out. It includes checking the condition of fire protection systems.: from the alarm system to automatic fire extinguishing. Specialists check the serviceability of the equipment, the availability of the required number of fire extinguishers and other protective equipment. All escape routes are being inspected, their accessibility and passability are being checked. Building structures are also checked for fire-resistant coatings, which should prevent the spread of fire.
  4. Risk assessment At this stage, the auditors assess the risks that may lead to a fire. This includes both technical and organizational risks. For example, special calculations can be used to assess the risks of fire in a particular location of the facility, as well as the possible impact on the security system of various factors, such as poor lighting, ventilation problems or temperature rise.
  5. Preparation of the report After the inspection of the facility and the analysis of the documentation, a report is drawn up in which all identified violations are recorded, as well as recommendations for their elimination are given. The report contains all recommendations for improving fire protection, such as upgrading the alarm system, replacing outdated equipment, improving lighting or installing new fire extinguishing equipment.
  6. Implementation of measures Based on the audit results, specific steps are being developed to eliminate violations. It is important not only to identify problems, but also to suggest ways to solve them. These can be either technical measures, such as installing new equipment or improving the ventilation system, or organizational measures, such as additional training for staff.
  7. Monitoring the implementation of recommendations After all measures to eliminate violations have been implemented, it is important to re-check to ensure that all corrections have been completed and that the fire protection system is fully operational.


Fire safety audit is an important tool to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of fire protection systems. It allows you not only to identify possible threats and violations, but also to develop measures to eliminate them. Regular inspections help minimize the risk of fire and protect people and property from serious consequences.


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