A technical detection device that perceives the initial signs of a fire that has arisen for further transmission of a signal in a fire alarm system, or for an autonomous sound signal. A fire detector detects a fire by monitoring changes in fire factors (physical environmental parameters caused by a fire) and/or generates a fire alarm. The operation of the fire detector occurs against the background of the effects of factors similar to fire factors. If the controlled fire factor exceeds the trigger threshold of the detector, a fire alarm is generated.

Fire detectors, depending on the design, can be: sensors that only transmit measured readings; the simplest threshold detectors that only generate a fire signal according to the level of a dangerous factor; detectors with preliminary mathematical processing of the controlled parameter.

The fire detector in the legislation of the EAEU is a means of ensuring fire safety. The manufacturer and during certification, identification must be carried out according to the following criteria: name, type (type), brand, model, purpose, main technical parameters and characteristics, trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer, name of the country of manufacture. The detector and the packaging must be marked with information about the name, type (type), brand, model, purpose, main technical parameters and characteristics, trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer, as well as the country of manufacture. When identifying the type (type), the purpose is compared with the data specified in the technical regulations.

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