Вопросы и ответы Archive - Pozhar.UZ


Question: Foam fire fighting

Answer: Foam fire fighting Foam firefighting Foam firefighting is a method of extinguishing fires that uses special foam to suppress fire. Fire extinguishing foam consists of water, foaming agent and air, which are mixed to create a foam mixture. This method...Read more

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Question: RESHENIE Company

Answer: RESHENIE company – is a leading company specializing in the design, installation and maintenance of fire alarm systems. Our company provides a full range of fire safety services for various types of facilities, including residential buildings, commercial buildings, office complexes,...Read more

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Answer: Early detection of a fire is one of the main advantages of a fire alarm system. Alarm systems are equipped with advanced sensors capable of responding to smoke, heat or flame at an early stage of ignition. Thanks to this,...Read more

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Answer: This is not just a mandatory requirement of fire safety regulations, but also a vital system that protects employees and property from fires. Office space, being a place of increased congestion of people and electronic equipment, is a potentially dangerous...Read more

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Answer: The latest self-working fire extinguishing agent, which allows to neutralize local ignition at its initial stage. This is an unparalleled autonomous fire extinguishing device, which appeared as a result of the use of domestic developments in the field of nanotechnology....Read more

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Question: Smoke detectors

Answer: Smoke detectors are triggered when the smallest particles of smoke enter the optoelectronic sensor camera. The response rate of the device depends on their saturation. The principle of operation of smoke detectors is based on the fact that the sent...Read more

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Answer: Thermal detectors are used where a significant amount of heat can be released in the initial stages of a fire, for example, in warehouses of fuels and lubricants, or where the use of any other detectors is impossible. The use...Read more

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Answer: A technical detection device that perceives the initial signs of a fire that has arisen for further transmission of a signal in a fire alarm system, or for an autonomous sound signal. A fire detector detects a fire by monitoring...Read more

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Answer: Automatic fire extinguishing systems – are systems that control the elimination of fires in buildings and structures without human intervention. This type of fire extinguishing system is considered the most effective and is specialized for urgent response to all possible...Read more

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Answer: Fire safety – the state of an object of national economy or other purpose, in which, by complying with legal norms, fire-fighting and engineering measures, the probability of fire occurrence and development, exposure to dangerous fire factors on people, is...Read more

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