Home / Articles Fire Safety News 28 Mar 0 👁 Fire extinguishing pumping stations Fire extinguishing pumping stations are an important element of infrastructure to ensure the safety of buildings and territories from fires.... Читать дальше 28 Mar 1 👁 Installation of a water fire extinguishing... Installation of a water fire extinguishing system is the process of installing system components that will be used to extinguish... Читать дальше 20 Mar 0 👁 Automatic unlocking of ACS in case... Automatic unlocking of the access control system (ACS) in case of fire is an important security measure to ensure the... Читать дальше 13 Mar 0 👁 What is a Fire detector? A fire detector is a device designed to detect signs of fire in the early stages and transmit a fire... Читать дальше 1 2 3 4