Design Installation and maintenance of smoke removal systems in Uzbekistan Tashkent

Smoke extraction systems

Our company will design, install, adjust, test, and maintain smoke removal systems in factories and private homes.

According to regulatory documents, the installation of industrial smoke extraction or a standard garden for crowded facilities should be carried out in the following buildings:

» in factories, enterprises and industries

» in shopping malls

» in sports complexes

» in business centers

» cultural centers

» at warehouse and production facilities

» in leisure and entertainment complexes

» in kindergartens and schools

» in educational buildings

» in multi – storey residential complexes

» at important infrastructure facilities

» at train stations and airports


The engineer’s visit to the facility is FREE of CHARGE!

Provision of guarantees from 1 year


Contact us for advice and detailed information by phone +998 (93) 103-70-77 or send a request to Telegram.


You can buy equipment in our store

Системы дымоудаления Узбекистан
Group company Reshenie.UZ